Things You Should Do with Coffee

Calling all coffee lovers! I have to admit that I myself am a caffeine addict and cannot survive a day without coffee. But I get bored of just a regular cup of coffee.. It just loses its pizzazz over time. So, what is a girl to do? She is to experiment then share her experiments!

Like most people, I love iced coffee–like I like it more than hot coffee 99% of the time–but after looking up how to brew iced coffee, it is such a lengthy process! I mean, when I crave iced coffee, I don’t want to sit and wait for 18-24 hours–how ridiculous! But we have options…

I’ve learned a couple of ways to make iced coffee. One way is (kinda, depending on what you put in your coffee) lower calorie but it doesn’t taste as good, in my opinion. The other one is higher calorie but tastes soooo good.

The first way is through a Keurig machine with a pod. This works best with good coffee (like Folders) and a medium-dark to dark roast. Fairly simple, you just have to fill your cup with ice, set your coffee maker to 8 oz, and make it a strong brew (it helps to not completely water down the coffee when the ice starts melting). Add creamer and more ice, and you’re good to go!

The other way is with instant coffee (which is a blessing). This way is even more simple: get a spoonful of instant coffee and make it how you want. I prefer to put a cup of milk and a tablespoon of creamer then add the ice on top of that. It tastes like those store-bought ice coffee drinks that you get in the containers.

On the subject of cold coffee and instant coffee, instant coffee is great for making frappes. Since most of us don’t own a coffee shop, we don’t just have frappe mix lying around. But if you want a kind of frappe taste, pull out that instant coffee again. Measure out a spoonful of instant coffee, add about a cup of milk (I did it with almond milk–just as good), and a tablespoon of creamer. When I first made this, it was still kind of bitter, so I added a packet of Stevia. Throw some whipped cream on the top and have at it!

Back when fall was rolling around, I tried the whole homemade pumpkin spice latte. This involved using pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie seasoning, along with some milk. I don’t highly recommend this one because it’s super easy to mess up and is a little off in flavor. But for my adventurers out there, it only takes about a tablespoon or so of pumpkin puree, maybe 1/4 cup milk (I usually just eye it), and seasoned to taste.

There are some other nonspecific things to add or do to your coffee. Whenever I make coffee with caramel creamer, I like to add a cube of caramel to the bottom, or add whipped cream and a caramel drizzle. I also like to add crushed peppermint on top of my whipped cream when I make my winter peppermint coffee. Brown sugar in coffee with just milk is also a nice little twist to the usual coffee.

Whatever your coffee type, here’s some other things to do with it; if you have any recipes/things you do that you’d like to share, feel free to post it in the comments or email it to me at!


Ann Welk

Published by annwelk

I am a writer, singer, and song-writer who enjoys all aspects of life; come join my adventures!

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